We’re continuing our series on the basics of dance team and
today we’re digging in to the mysteries and intricacies of the most important
tool in dance team – the scoresheet.
This time we’re looking at the general layout, purpose, and functions of
the all important document.
Keep in mind that this
is how I, Erin Kruesi, would explain this document to you, but I didn’t write
it, I don’t train judges on it, and in some cases this is only how “I” see
it. This represents only my view, not MSHSL,
MADT, JAM, DX, or anyone else’s idea.
One thing is for sure about scoresheets – it is all up for your
interpretation of how it should be done.
Please allow me to try to explain it without taking my word as the final
or complete say. As always, if you have
questions, ask your team’s coach, the MSHSL, or the judges associations for
direct explanations. This description is
meant for entertainment purposes only, and not to be taken as letter for letter fact.
Copies of the scoresheet are available to the public on the
MSHSL website at http://www.mshsl.org/mshsl/sports/DT2011-2013ScoreSheetHK.pdf
- 100 points possible in 10 categories of 10 points each
- Points are awarded in whole increments, no half points are allowed
- One single page scoresheet for kick, and one for jazz.
- There are 3 categories unique to the kick or jazz scoresheet, and 2 difficulty categories have some differences, otherwise the remaining categories are the same on either sheet.
- The categories are grouped on the page by the type of criteria they cover: Jazz (or Kick) Skills, Execution, Choreography, Difficulty, and Routine Effectiveness.
- Each 10 point category then has a title, followed by descriptors which detail what the exact criteria are for awarding the highest points. These descriptors are all on the left of the page.
- The right side of the page is where the scale is listed for the judges to then circle a number of points awarded. They are grouped unevenly, with 1 and 2 points grouped under “Poor”, 3 and 4 points grouped under “Below Average”, 5 and 6 points are “Average”, 7 and 8 points are “Above Average”, and 9 and 10 points are “Excellent”. Keeping in mind that 1 point doesn’t mean you didn’t do anything, and 10 points does not mean perfect, just excellent.
How points are awarded:
- The point’s descriptors are based on something commonly termed “Minnesota Average”, meaning the idea for “average” scores is based on all performances of all teams in the state from JV through top tier varsity groups. Just because you are competing AAA varsity, you are in theory still compared to the entire state when thinking of what is “average”.
- Judges can make corrections to their sheet by changing what they have circled and initialing the change. This can only happen while the sheet is still with that judge and not once it has been turned in prior to the next performance.
- Just because a category lists say, 3, descriptors or criteria; that does not imply that they are or are not worth equal amounts in awarding points. All of those criteria are examined and weighted based on each judge’s expectations and interpretations. The MSHSL doesn’t detail this process, nor what is more difficult than something else in a specific way. That is why judges undergo training and practice before becoming officials.
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