Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall Preparation for Parents

       It’s back to school time and that means it’s also back to dance team!  Parents have a big part to play in preparing for the season too – everything from booster club meetings, invitational planning, and getting your daughter physically and mentally ready to make this season the best it can be.  Here are some stress-saving items to start doing now.

·         Transportation.  How is your daughter getting to and from practice and competitions?  Now is a good time to talk about carpooling, driving (and texting) rules, and what you expect to make sure you’re not waiting hours in the car.  Talking about it now can save you from arguments about when she gets the car and who she can ride with. 
·         Budget.  Can you get any supplies in advance to cut costs when it comes time?  Sports fees are way up at area schools and there are always extras like clothing, accessories, trips, gear, food, you name it.  (I have a Discount Dance %15 off code coming soon that you can use by clicking here -- and entering my teacher code: TP48303  I have a list of some of my personal recommendations under the teachers page.  The code will be a one time use so stock up! - look for an updated post with my discount code coming soon) What are the rules about buying things at invitationals? Are t-shirts allowed every time? 
·         Nutrition.  Don’t forget your dancer will be eating more and needing more nutrition help than usual once dance is in full swing.  Tired, lethargic girls dragging themselves into practice don’t make anyone happy.  What are they rules about sleep and food during the season?  Make sure there are healthy pre-practice snacks around to keep them moving and less crabby at the dinner table. 
·         Tryouts and Cuts.  90% of any parent “issues” I’ve had are somewhat related to tryouts, cuts, and performance time.  Talk about it in advance for less tears later.  What are your daughter’s goals?  What is realistic?  What happens if you don’t get what you want?  Is it ok to quit?  Complain? How will it be handled in your house?  Disappointments are far less if your daughter has thought – “we’ve talked about this happening and I already know how I feel about it”.  Remember your daughter may not share everything she’s feeling with you or even tell you the whole story about how things really went.  Keep in mind coaches do what is in the best interest of the team while you want what is in the best interest of your daughter. 
·         Injury and Illness.  What is the plan if your daughter gets hurt?  When do you go to the doctor/trainer and when do you expect her to stay home sick?  Know the teams’ rules about injury and missing practices so you are aware.  If you as a parent wish to be stricter about something, be sure to let the coaches know what the plan is so they are on board.  Coaches will be much more understanding if they knew your “stay home” or “sit out” policy in advance. 

Happy first day of school! 

-Coach Erin

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