Thursday, September 1, 2011

Vintage Video Review!

This one is a classic, maybe not very vintage (yet), but this is one everyone should watch at some point.  From a coaches perspective, this dance has a subtle mastery of difficulty suited to the group that is rarely achieved in jazz.  They seem to have found a way to just touch that line of what they can do cleanly, without surpassing it from any member of the team, or sacrificing overall difficulty.  This dance is a unique song choice, that adds creativity and interest without alienating those who don't know the tune.  I liked this dance when it won AA in 2007, but I've appreciated it more since then - a mark of a classic in my book!  Enjoy!

My comments:
- These costumes are great.  Clean, simple, flattering.  Satin Stitches made these - they probably still have the sample floating around if you ever get to see it up-close.
- Skill choices are well suited to the group and create a pleasing aesthetic that unifies the feeling of the entire piece.  Great features with the musical cues
-This dance could have gone more creepy considering the lyrics, but I for one am glad they didn't.
- This might be the best group of talent from SLP I've seen in their history at the state tournament.  2009's group might give them a run for their money in head to head comparison however - I'll let popular opinion judge that one
-This song gets stuck in my head.  Unfortunately the speed change they did also plays for me which I could do without.  (Thank goodness there aren't too many chipmunk style speed changes left in mixes anymore!)  The CD is below in case you were wondering where this came from - the MP3 is also posted to listen to or download on the left side of the main page. 

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